Positioning Statement

The SAJBD is the umbrella representative spokesbody and civil rights lobby of the SA Jewish community. It promotes the safety and welfare of South African Jewry, including combating antisemitism in all its forms, and builds bridges of friendship and understanding between Jews and the broader South African population.   

Aubrey Masango interviews Sarit Zehavi on the Aubrey Masango Show

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Wendy Kahn interviewed on SABC

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October 7 Square, a powerful memorial space where we could express the day’s meaning and impact through our eyes

On October 6 & 7, the South African Jewish community came together to reflect on the Hamas attack against Israel last year on October 7. Then, Hamas brutally killed, raped, burnt, murdered and kidnapped innocent Israeli civilians, leaving over 1 200 dead.

Our various community organisations united to put together a powerful memorial space, October 7 Square, in which we could express the day’s meaning and impact through our eyes. The exhibition was open to the public from 12h00 to 19h00 and concluded with a vigil from the youth movement. The “square” was well-attended and appreciated by the community.

Message from Wendy Kahn, national director for Rosh Hashanah 5785

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Statement on African Global Dialogue Conference

Statement on African Global Dialogue Conference

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) is aware that a conference, titled “Narrative Conditions Towards Peace in the Middle East,” hosted by the African Global Dialogue, has been subjected to intimidation by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Coalition and their allies. While the SAJBD disagrees vehemently with the sentiments of many of the speakers, some of whose views we find repugnant, we recognise the importance of a forum where different opinions on an important topic can be heard. This is in contrasts to the BDS’ intolerance to even the slightest deviation from their extremist views.

The SAJBD mourns the passing of Dr Pravin Gordhan

The SAJBD joins the people of South Africa in paying tribute to the late Dr Pravin Gordhan. We mourn the loss of this outstanding public servant, who throughout his long and varied career combined exceptional skill and acumen with the utmost personal integrity

​The SAJBD was saddened to learn of the passing of Nic Wolpe

The SAJBD was saddened to learn of the passing of our good friend Nic Wolpe, with whom we had many fruitful collaborations over the years. Following his return to South Africa after the unbanning of the ANC in 1990, Nic devoted himself to preserving and building upon the legacy of the anti-apartheid struggle, in whose ranks both of his parents, Harold and Ann-Marie, served with distinction

SAJBD’s Response to Dirco’s statement on Ismael Haniyeh which exposes their hypocrisy

SAJBD’s Response to Dirco’s statement on Ismael Haniyeh which exposes their hypocrisy

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies notes the statement of the South African Government condemning the killing of arch-terrorist Ismael Haniyeh.

The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation’s (Dirco) pro-Hamas bias has been evident since former Minister Pandor call to Haniyeh in the immediate aftermath of the Oct 7 atrocities.

702 Statement

On 4 April 2024 and during the Dialogue segment on the Manyathela show, guests and Clement discussed the situation in Gaza and referred to the "judgement" of the International Court of Justice in South Africa's genocide case against Israel.

EFF KZN Provincial Chairperson, Commissar Mongezi Twala, addressing the crowd

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The SAJBD has become aware of the publication of a children’s colouring book, titled “From the River to the Sea"

The SAJBD has become aware of the publication of a children’s colouring book, titled “From the River to the Sea, by Digniti, and supported by “Social Bandit” and “Penny Appeal South Africa.” It is repugnant that this publication, promoting the obliteration of Jews from our historical and rightful homeland-Israel, can be published, and targeted at young-minds.

Ramaphosa raises ire of SA Jewish Board of Deputies

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Prof Karen Milner on eNCA on President Cyril Ramaphosa's call for genocide against Israel

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SAJBD Response to ICJ Ruling 24 May

Every loss of life in the conflict between Israel and Hamas is tragic. Over the past seven months of this heartbreaking war, it has become increasingly obvious that peace needs to be made through political negotiations and not legal institutions. This is especially when the ICJ has no jurisdiction over the brutal terror organisation Hamas. South Africa could have done so much more to prevent loss of life from the outset, by using its relationship with Hamas and its history of engagement and dialogue, as a way to resolve conflict rather than these ongoing legal challenges. South Africa could have done so on the 8th October, with the potential of thousands of lives being saved.

Yom Hashoah 2024

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​Statement by SAJBD and SAZF on the discontinuation of ELAL flights to SA

Statement by SAJBD and SAZF on the discontinuation of ELAL flights to SA

ELAL Airlines has announced that they will be discontinuing their weekly flights between South Africa and Israel. During our meeting with El Al last year, it became apparent that operating a once-a-week flight was economically challenging for them. Unfortunately, even increasing the frequency to three times a week did not attract the expected passenger numbers. As a private company, El Al's operations are driven by commercial viability.

SAJBD comments following meeting with Cricket SA, 16 January 2024

SAJBD comments following meeting with Cricket SA, 16 January 2024

At a meeting held today, Cricket SA (CSA) categorically failed to provide credible evidence that there had been any real security threats to the upcoming Under19 World Cup tournament on account of David Teeger being captain of the SA team. This, together with CSA’s vacillating and contradictory responses to the questions put to them reinforces our understanding that the excuse provided for Teeger’s removal as captain, namely ‘security concerns’, is trumped up and bogus. Moreover, even if there had been credible information of a possible threat, CSA could, had it chosen, taken appropriate steps to deal with it, such as moving the games or providing additional security.

SAJBD’s statement on SA’s case at the ICJ: “Inversion of Justice”

In the words of former Minister of Justice of Canada and human rights activist, Irwin Cotler, South Africa is inverting reality by accusing Israel of genocide. The fact that South Africa has bought into this inversion, to the extent that it has taken Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), can only be interpreted as antisemitic.

Hamas March on the Union Buildings

Yesterday a pro-Palestinian March took place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

We of course have no issue with South Africans right to protest, something enshrined in our constitution and that the SAJBD too has done in the past.

Hamas GBV Against Women

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We are disgusted by Hamas presence in South Africa

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Naked Jew-hatred Kasrils

Naked Jew-hatred behind Kasrils’ feting of Hamas atrocities

“A brilliant, spectacular guerilla warfare attack”. Thus has Ronnie Kasrils described the systematic butchery of over 1200 Jewish civilians carried out by Hamas on 7 October (https://x.com/naeemjeenah/status/1728700438755639668?s=58&t=yfTSJWbHskZls3BB0cifPA). Speaking at a BDS SA event over the weekend, Kasrils made no attempt to conceal his glee over the massacre, the worst mass slaughter of Jewish men, women and children since the Holocaust nearly 80 years ago.

Bring them ALL home!

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Shocking images by Thapelo Amad former JHB Mayor

Today, shocking images were posted by former Johannesburg mayor and Al Jama-ah city councillor Thapelo Amad showing him posing with an assault rifle while declaring his unequivocal support for the Hamas terror organisation.

Dr Khaled Qaddumi denies that any of the 242 hostages taken by Hamas were children

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One Month Anniversary since Israeli civilians were abducted

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SAJBD and SAZF meet with the ANC

Yesterday the SAJBD, together with the SA Zionist Federation, met with the ANC. The meeting, which the ANC requested, was agreed to in a spirit of good faith and our willingness to always engage. Our purpose for the meeting was to ask the ANC to reflect on the hurtful statements it made on the massacre of Israeli civilians carried out by Hamas on 7 October.

Kenny Kunene Stands with Us!

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SA Jewish Board of Deputies laments SA government's 'bias'

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SAJBD accuses DIRCO of picking sides: Prof Karen Milner

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221 balloons on The Nelson Mandela Bridge in honour of those kidnapped

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‘Survivors Testimonies of Hamas’ massacres in Israel’

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A moving vigil held by SAUJS

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Shabbat Shalom two weeks on - our national director, Wendy Kahn

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Our comment on Minister Pandor's speech at UNSC yesterday.

We note that in her address to the UN Security Council, Naledi Pandor for the first-time expressed sympathy for the Israeli victims alongside the victims in Gaza. She also condemned the Hamas atrocities against Israeli civilians resulting in 1400 deaths on 7 October. The SAJBD expresses its deepest sympathy for all the innocents who are suffering and those that have lost their lives.

National Chairperson Prof Karen Milner's message to President Ramaphosa

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Wendy Kahn's message to the @myanc as they march to Pretoria against Israel

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Letter to ​President Ramaphosa in the Sunday Times

President Ramaphosa we are outraged by your callous disregard for the systematic and targeted mass murder of Jews last week and lack of concern for the 200 Jews taken hostage by Hamas including elderly, women and young children. You have betrayed us. See our letter in the Sunday Times today.



The horrific images coming out of Israel have left the entire world shocked and disgusted. There can never be justification for the barbaric murder, kidnapping and disrespect for human life that has emerged over the past weekend. The terrorist group Hamas’s unprovoked and barbaric attack on innocent Israeli civilians include the massacre of teenagers at a music festival, the abduction of children and elderly women and the killing of helpless babies on the streets. This is reminiscent of the Holocaust. It is pure evil, and there are no shades of grey.

​​The SAJBD stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel

The SAJBD stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel at one of the most devastating times of the Jewish state’s existence.

We mourn the brutal murders of over 659 Israeli citizens and the barbaric kidnapping of over 100 hostages, including, elderly, women and children, taken for the clear purpose of blackmail and extortion. Our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones, for the thousands of injured and for those who have not been accounted for.

Succah Event at Pine Street Shul

On 4 October the SAJBD and SABC Religion celebrated Sukkoth at Pine Street Shul. Rabbi Motti Hadar and Rebbetzin Temmi Hadar explained the symbolism of the holiday. Following that, the group of journalists and interfaith visited Satyagraha House – also known as Gandi House. Yashika Singh, head of SABC Religion, gave information about Gandi and what he stood for and believed.

Succah event at Great Park Shul

We were delighted to host The Speaker of the Johannesburg City Council, Colleen Makhubele and her team for lunch at the Great Park Synagogue Sukkah. Thank you to Rabbi Hazdan for your sharing your insights about Sukkot and for showing us around your beautiful shul.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies extends its heartfelt condolences on the passing of Inkosi Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) extends its heartfelt condolences to His Majesty the King Misizulu kaZwelithini, the Royal Family and the Buthelezi Clan on the passing of Inkosi Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi. The passing of this iconic statesman, wise counsellor and devoted public servant has left a great void in our body politic.

​A South African Legend – Raymond Ackerman (1931-2023)

A South African Legend – Raymond Ackerman (1931-2023)

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) is saddened by the passing of Raymond Ackerman, visionary business leader, retail legend and unstinting philanthropist. Throughout his long life, Mr Ackerman’s extraordinary achievements in the business field were combined with his equally impressive record of contributing to the greater society. He was a true patriot and nation builder. He was also an active, identifying member of the Jewish community, with many Jewish organisations and causes benefiting from his generosity over the decades.

Hanyani High School

On Friday last week the SAJBD, in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg (UJ), officially opened the Nga Tshumisano (Let’s Work Together in Tshivenda) a fully equipped education centre with uncapped Wi-Fi, computers (donated by Investec) and resource books (donated by the SA Jewish community).

Anti-Jewish bigotry at University of Pretoria (UP)

Offensive display of Anti-Jewish bigotry University of Pretoria (UP)

For the past few weeks, the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) at UP have been subjected to a barrage of hostile and discriminatory statements and actions. This culminated today in a sit-in protest aimed to exclude the Jewish Student Representative body from working with the SRC.

SAJBD statement on the passing of the Prevention and Combatting of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill

SAJBD statement on the passing of the Prevention and Combatting of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill in the National Assembly on Tuesday March 14th 2023

Date: 15 March 2023

After over a decade of advocating for hate crimes legislation in our country, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies was delighted that the National Assembly passed the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill yesterday on Tuesday March 14th 2023.

SAJBD partner with Alexandra Chamber of Commerce

On Human Rights Day the SAJBD will be partnering with the Alexandra Chamber of Commerce in arranging a Wellness Day for the children of Alexandra.

The day will include measles vaccines, children’s wellness assessments administered by Workforce, hearing assessments conducted by the SA Association of Audiologists and the distribution of reusable sanitary pads by Fingertips of Africa.

Please join us for this special event.

A “Chief Rebbetzin” like no other.

A “Chief Rebbetzin” like no other.

We were much saddened to learn of the passing in Jerusalem over the weekend of our dear friend, colleague and mentor Ann Harris, o”h. Much was written in tribute to Ann when she went on aliya last year, but even this only sketched some of the high points of the remarkable 35 years she spent in our country.

NFP motion will not deter SA citizens from our connection to Israel

Today’s passing of the National Freedom Party’s (NFP) resolution to downgrade the South African Embassy in Israel, while framed as a human-rights motivated gesture, is in reality, driven by an obsessive enmity towards the world’s sole Jewish nation state and a desire to undermine and harm South Africa’s own best interests.

The unreflecting virulence of the rhetoric against Israel, with all its multiple misrepresentations, falsifications, omissions and exaggerations, bears this out only too well. Our Parliament was founded on the fundamental values of respectful, constructive and honest discussion; today it was allowed to become a platform for demonising and defaming the Jewish state.

We call on all political parties to reject NFP resolution

We call on all political parties to reject NFP resolution

Tomorrow is the festival of Purim, when Jews throughout the world remember how their forebears in Persia faced destruction at the hands of those who hated them and were saved from it. How very ironic therefore that on this very day Parliament will be devoting itself to discussing whether or not to downgrade the SA Embassy in Israel.

SA Rugby shamefully capitulates to intimidation

SA Rugby shamefully capitulates to intimidation.

The decision of the South African Rugby Union (SARU) to withdraw its Mzanzi Challenge invitation to the Tel Aviv Heats is disgraceful and frankly embarrassing. It is appalling that the governing body of SA rugby has caved in without a fight to those whose sole aim is to boycott Israel in every possible forum, even to the detriment of South Africa itself.

The SAJBD works with NGOs to help Victims of Boksburg Blast

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) is committed to assisting the victims and families of the Boksburg tragedy as they start rebuilding their lives. Through the SAJBD Relief Fund, together with our partners on the ground, the Angel Network, the Clive Mashishi Foundation, the Sibambisene Foundation and Fingertips of Africa are working tirelessly to help those in need.

The SAJBD and Angel Network continue to assist the people affected by the Boksburg disaster.

The SAJBD and Angel Network continue to assist the people affected by the Boksburg disaster. Clive Mashishi has been working with builders and electricians to repair damages to the old age home caused by the explosion. In the coming days we will continue to assess and assist those impacted by this tragedy including providing counseling to families who lost loved ones in this tragedy.

Sad Passing of Goldie Goldsmith

We were saddened to learn of the passing on Friday of our treasured friend and esteemed colleague Goldie Goldsmith. For over forty years, Goldie worked for the SAJBD in various capacities, primarily as administrative secretary of the Board’s journal Jewish Affairs as well as of its Afrikaans language publication Buurman which appeared during the 1970s and early 1980s. She was well into her eighties when, by her own choice, she decided to finally retire.

Sad passing of Michael Schneider

The SAJBD mourns the passing of Michael Schneider, a great Jewish South African who risked his life in the fight for justice in his country of birth and went on to render outstanding service to global Jewry. Schneider died in New York aged 83 last Shabbat from complications of diabetes. As one of the world’s foremost Jewish communal leaders and professionals at the time of his retirement in 2011, he was secretary general of the World Jewish Congress, although the greater part of his career was spent working for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, one of the premier global Jewish relief organisations.

Dischem Letter

We are aware of heightened emotions that have emerged as a result of the recent Dischem letter. Unfortunately we have noted that this outrage has manifested into blatant aggression towards Jewish South Africans, including comments referring to the `gassing of Jews’ and threats to boycott Jewish businesses. We condemn these vile social media posts.

Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Britain at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. During her long reign, Queen Elizabeth represented the British people with dignity, grace and unswerving devotion. We join them and those around the world in remembering her remarkable legacy, in which she always put duty and service to her country before herself. MHDSRIP

Prof Karen Milner's response to Minister Naledi Pando's statement regarding Israel 7.8.22

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Wendy Kahn's response to DIRCO Minister Naledi Pandor's statement 27.7.22

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Minister Naledi Pandor sinks to a new low

Minister Naledi Pandor sinks to a new low

Six months and tens of thousands of civilian deaths later, we are still waiting for our Department of International Relations & Cooperation (DIRCO) to condemn Russia's barbaric war of aggression against the Ukrainian people. By comparison, within hours of armed clashes breaking out on the Israel-Gaza border, Dirco Minister Naledi Pandor had rushed to issue yet another virulent denunciation of the Jewish state and ignored the indiscriminate firing of more than 600 deadly missiles targeted at Israeli civilian areas.