Make Us Count - Register to Vote!

🗳️ Make your voice heard! Register to vote on 18-19 November, 2023. Ensure your details are updated and let's shape the future together! 🇿🇦✨

Verify your details on the voters roll—some stations may have changed!

Who can register?

All South African citizens 16 or older. To vote, you must be 18 or older.

Can't visit a station?

Register online here

#RegisterToVote #Elections2024 #MakeUsCount

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Greek Independence Day celebration with the Hellenic Federation

The SAJBD was delighted to celebrate Greek Independence Day with the Hellenic Federation of South Africa at Saheti School. It was wonderful to experience the cultural vibrancy of the South African Greek community. While our communities have distinct histories, we share the experience of being vibrant minority groups in South Africa, contributing to its rich diversity.